Sunday, October 6, 2013


‘Nonviolence and truth (Satya) are inseparable and presuppose one another.... There is no God higher than truth.’

GG International School celebrated Gandhi Jayanti on 2nd of October 2013 through a prayer meeting within the school campus.
The programme commenced by offering floral tributes to the Gandhi bust by Principal Mr. Murad Sarfraz, Vice Principal Mrs. Bharti Bhagwani, Vice Principal (Pre-Primary wing) Ms. Sridevi , Admin Officer Mr. Chatterjee;  along with all the teachers, admin  members and the helper staff.
A brief introduction to the life and works of Mahatma Gandhiji was delivered by Ms. Sushmita Mahesh Kulkarni. The motto behind celebrating Gandhi Jayanti, that is to spread a feeling of love, unity and brotherhood amongst all, was explained.
Next the gathering proceeded towards the MGC (Mahatma Gandhi Centre) which is another unique feature in the GGIS paraphernalia. It was here that the reigns of the program were handed over to Mr. Jose Philip who shared interesting details not only about Gandhiji’s role in the freedom struggle but also his values ideology, teachings and thoughts and how following these can help one to achieve success in life.
Bhajans dear to Mahatma Gandhi resonated in the air when Ms. Monika and Mr. Ajit from the Music Department vocalized them for the mesmerized gathering, which elucidated the fact that Gandhian Principles are here to stay and are most in need in these current times.
Once done with some sweetmeats, the day culminated on a pious note and the gathering disbursed with the pledge to abide by these principles in their life.
-         Mrs. Vishakha Gupta