Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Atmaraksha Workshop at GG International School

‘The correct rhythm not only gives you maximum power, it helps you conserve energy so you know when to use force and when not to.’

Empowering the students with the tools of Self Defence and confidence has been the prerogative of G G International School.
With the changing times and social conditions it becomes mandatory to be aware of the simple techniques of Self Defence therefore GGIS in collaboration with Times NIE arranged a workshop on Atmaraksha (Self Defence) on 14th and 15th Oct 13. This workshop specially focused upon the 13 to 15 years age group (Classes VIII to X).
In a duration of nearly 1 ½ hr the guest speaker, Mr. Tanmoy Bandipadhyay, discussed and enumerated upon the behaviour when stuck in critical conditions. It basically highlighted a point across that an alert and quick thinking mind is able to avert many problems at the grass root level.

The workshop taught the girls and boys to defend themselves from untoward incidents at public places or even inside their homes through simple yet effective  techniques, like- AFLOAT an acronym which stands for
A- Apprise & assess your behaviour
F- Forget about it/Ignore the person
L- Leave the situation/ walk away
A- Openly express yourself
T- Tell someone
He also removed the most popular misconception that Self Defence means a kick to the groin or a fist in the eyes of an attacker. But the actual terms Self Defence is doing everything possible to avoid fighting someone who threatens or attacks.
Speaking further the guest said that, self-defence is all about using one’s head and not just the fists. This education has no or very minimal requirements. It does not matter whether one has any previous experience or not. It is just Practical and Simple life saving skill and techniques with minimal commitment.
The students had a very interactive session with the speaker and went back more informed and alert for the future.