Monday, September 23, 2013


DATE: 21/09/13

GG International School has always strived to pave an innovative path for its Students towards perfection. Yet another untiring attempt was the Inter House Foam Sheet Art Competition. A novel thought of linking Science with Art, where the Students of Class IX & X displayed peerless talents on foam Sheets

As quoted by the great Scientist Albert EinsteinAll religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree” was proven right by the Students when they designed brilliant and distinctive portraits of the great Scientists of the World. The Students conveyed their messages across in a stand-alone way and illustrated it as visually as possible. The portraits of the great scientists like Aryabhatta, Sushruta, John Dalton, CV Raman etc. were drawn and painted skillfully.

The Students of Abhimanyu House (XB) stood First with their impressive depiction of the visual rendering of the famous Scientist Archimedes,Shravan House (XB) was the First runner up with the depiction of Madame Curie and Eklavya house (IX A) was the second Runner up projecting a fine detailing of Scientist John Dalton. The Students were judged on the criterion of Detaling, Colour Combination, Emergence and Overall Appearance of the creations.

The Jury comprised of three members Ms. Sridevi Rao(Vice Principal Pre-Primary Section) who commented on the creativity of the Students. Ms. Savita Advani (Drawing Teacher –House of Arts ) was pleased with the innovative idea and praised the fine work and effort put in by the Students. She was impressed by the colour combination and the imagination  of the Students. The third Judge Ms. Deepti Hanswal(Parent-Judge) also appreciated the pieces of Art. The Art Department was the major source of guidance for the Competition and the Admin. Department extended their support for the smooth management of the Activity.  Director Mrs. Sonu Gupta and Principal Mr. Murad Sarfraz witnessed the Competition and appreciated the depictions.

Malini Mehrotra