Thursday, September 26, 2013

Report On Class Presentation Class 4 A

Class IV students impresses in Class Presentation at GGIS!
- Radhika Panse

 A class presentation was witnessed on 17th August 2013 by the parents of Std 4 students in GGIS. The topic, “Value of Determination” was presented in the form of a skit, including dance and song. The objective of the program was to develop confidence, encourage optimism, cooperation and team spirit, enhance oratory and dramatic skill with proper voice modulation and tapping of the multiple skills in children. The audience enjoyed the program and children were much excited to show off their skills during the 30 minute show!

      Parents’ views about the program-
1. Mrs. Shijitha Jeji: ‘It was one of the best presentations. All the children performed very well on the stage.’
2. Col and Mrs. Bahuguna: ‘We are grateful to the class teacher for motivating the children.’
3. Mr.Raundhal: ‘Very well coordinated and directed program.’
4. Mrs. Kalra:’ Excellent and I am touched. ‘
6. Mrs. Agarwala:’ The presentation was amazing. It rocked me to my core. I want my child to imbibe all the values like determination, perseverance and patriotism exhibited through the presentation.’
7. Mrs.Shilpa Deshpande: ‘The kids were very well prepared and costumes were appropriate.’
8. Mr. Bhavesh and Mrs. Bhagyashree Marolia: ‘children exhibited good acting skills. They enjoyed it thoroughly.’

Monday, September 23, 2013


Music binds our soul, hearts and emotions. Music is the best method of relaxation. It cheers the spirit and lightens the heart. In fact through singing children learn to express their feelings and ideas. To bring out the singing talent of the students an Inter House Group Song Competition was organized at G.G. International School on 29th August 2013.


Students of class I and II participated in the competition. The theme of the competition was patriotic songs. Each house prepared a Hindi patriotic song under the expert guidance of their music teacher, Mrs..Monika . The children sang the songs with lot of passion, confidence and patriotic feeling. The melodious songs pulled the heartstrings of the audience. Each house showed their mastery over voice modulation, pitch, rhythm and tone. The children showcased a sense of pride, self-esteem and self-confidence as a result of the competition.

The 'parent-judges', Mrs.Krishna Shrivastav and Mrs.Shilpa Wagh thoroughly enjoyed the mellifluous group songs. They were impressed with the confidence, the tonal quality and the fervour with which they sang the patriotic songs. Mrs. Krishna Shrivastav shared her views about the competition and also gave her valuable suggestions to help the children to do better in the future. Abhimanyu House was declared the winner and Shravan House was adjudged the first runners up by the 'parent-judges'.



It is believed that Lord Ganesh bestows his presence on earth for all his devotees during Ganesh festival. It is the day when Ganesha was born. Ganesha is widely worshipped as the god of wisdom, prosperity and good fortune and traditionally invoked at the beginning of any new venture or at the start of travel.


To show their devotion and love for this Bal Ganesha the students of class I & II were prepared for the decoration competition on 17th September 2013  with a variety of innovative ideas and material, they enjoyed doing the activity. There was 100% participation from all the classes.


The teacher judges were Mr.Rajesh Deshmukh and  Mrs.Vishaka.Myana who judged the event on the following guidelines: Creativity, neatness, use of material to decorate, overall effect.
Arjun Phalke of class ID got the Ist prize. Aadi Patil of class IB got the IInd prize.
Parth Bhaduriya of class IA got the IIIrd prize.


The Ist prize was shared by Aditya Singh of II A and Mudit Behra of Class IIB.The IIIrd winner was Anvi Yadav of Class IIB.


These competitions help our kids to bond with each other. They also learn and come closer to our Indian culture

 -Mrs. Sangeeta Soma.


A Report on the Inter house competition at GG International School, Pimpri

A very creative, eco friendly and festive event was held at the GG International School Pimpri, on   21 September 2013, as an Inter house Competition for the students of classes III to V. In spite of the forthcoming Summative Assessment next week, the event saw a lot of enthusiasm, and solidarity towards the respective houses on the part of the students and teachers. Keeping up with the GGIS motto, of empowering and providing equal opportunities to all, the competition was well participated. The variety of clay and food grains used was incredible. Students’ creativity and presentation skill was paramount. 

The in-charges of the four houses; Dhruv, Eklavya, Abhimanyu and Shravan, selected one best entry per section from each of the classes (III-V). The final judgement was done, by our esteemed judges, Mrs Deepti Hanswal, a parent judge; and Mrs Savita Adwani, who has her own Art Academy in Pune. It was a tough judgement time for them, as each of these carefully moulded and beautifully adorned Ganesha idols were appealing and each one was the best!

Talking to our Junior Activity Co-ordinator, Mrs Shikha Agrawal, one of our judges, Mrs Savita Adwani, commented,Good work done by the children… Some excellent work done for their age! Thanks for inviting!”  

The winners for this competition were adjudged class wise:

1 st  Position
Abhimanyu House
1st runners up
Nidhi Kedia
Eklavya House
2nd runners up
Bhumi Pandhare
Abhimanyu House

1 st  Position
Anushka Goyal
Dhruv House
1st runners up
Vasanthi Dwara
Eklavya House
2nd runners up
Harpitha Sarvanan
Dhruv House

1 st  Position
Urmi Gopalakrishna
Dhruv House
1st runners up
Pari Agarwal
Dhruv House
2nd runners up
Devesh Garud
Shravan House

As Pablo Picasso said, “Every child is an artist, the problem is staying an artist when you grow up “, GGIS continues in it’s strive to sustain the artist in every child as she/he grows....


DATE: 21/09/13

GG International School has always strived to pave an innovative path for its Students towards perfection. Yet another untiring attempt was the Inter House Foam Sheet Art Competition. A novel thought of linking Science with Art, where the Students of Class IX & X displayed peerless talents on foam Sheets

As quoted by the great Scientist Albert EinsteinAll religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree” was proven right by the Students when they designed brilliant and distinctive portraits of the great Scientists of the World. The Students conveyed their messages across in a stand-alone way and illustrated it as visually as possible. The portraits of the great scientists like Aryabhatta, Sushruta, John Dalton, CV Raman etc. were drawn and painted skillfully.

The Students of Abhimanyu House (XB) stood First with their impressive depiction of the visual rendering of the famous Scientist Archimedes,Shravan House (XB) was the First runner up with the depiction of Madame Curie and Eklavya house (IX A) was the second Runner up projecting a fine detailing of Scientist John Dalton. The Students were judged on the criterion of Detaling, Colour Combination, Emergence and Overall Appearance of the creations.

The Jury comprised of three members Ms. Sridevi Rao(Vice Principal Pre-Primary Section) who commented on the creativity of the Students. Ms. Savita Advani (Drawing Teacher –House of Arts ) was pleased with the innovative idea and praised the fine work and effort put in by the Students. She was impressed by the colour combination and the imagination  of the Students. The third Judge Ms. Deepti Hanswal(Parent-Judge) also appreciated the pieces of Art. The Art Department was the major source of guidance for the Competition and the Admin. Department extended their support for the smooth management of the Activity.  Director Mrs. Sonu Gupta and Principal Mr. Murad Sarfraz witnessed the Competition and appreciated the depictions.

Malini Mehrotra

Sunday, September 22, 2013

GG International School shines at the Pawar Public School Hindi Diwas Inter-School Competition 2013

GG International School shines at the Pawar Public School Hindi Diwas Inter-School Competition 2013

-         Mrs. A. K. Oberoi
HoD Hindi Department

An Inter-School Competition was held at Pawar Public School, Amanora Park Town, Hadapsar, on the occasion of Hindi Day on 20th September 2013. On this occasion different competitions like Doha / Pad Gayan, Speech, Slogan with Pictures and a Hasya Kavita Contest was held. Mrs. Atinder Oberoi (Hindi HoD) and Mrs. Santosh Malviya (Hindi Teacher) trained and accompanied the students.

13 schools had participated in these competitions. The GGIans rubbed shoulders and crossed swords with the likes of The Bishop’s School, Vidya Valley School, Magarpatta School and other well-known organisations of Pune. In the end, all the members parted as friends and were richer in their cultural treasures. The performances of GGIS were appreciated by the organizers and the student-discipline was especially mentioned.  We performed very well and won three prizes in different categories as under:
1.     Doha / Pad Gayan1st Prize (Group activity from V to VII)
2.     Maximum number of entries and overall excellent performance2nd Prize
3.     Slogan with Pictures3rd Prize – Anushka Sawant – IX B

All these achievements were possible because of the faith, trust and guidance of our respected Principal Sir, Mr. Murad Sarfraz and the efforts of the students and the staff of Hindi Department with support of the Music & Art Department. The students represented their school, families and themselves with class and distinction!
Proud of you all…way to go!


Inter-house Poetry Competition

 Inter-house Poetry Competition was organized on 7th September 2013 at GG International School to inspire children to express their thoughts creatively through poetry and to promote literary excellence. Different topics were allocated to different levels commensurate with the talent and age groups. The topics for standard III, IV and V were ‘My Toys’, ’Teacher’ and ‘My School’ respectively. The children whole heartedly participated in the competition and the house teachers short listed two students from each section of each class and the final judgment was made by the teacher-judge Ms. Sabina Wilson. The entries were judged based on expression of emotion, rhyme scheme, overall impact on reader and originality.
The uniqueness and best part of the activity was 100% participation by the children.
The children expressed their thoughts and imagination creatively through poetry. They expressed what does a school, a teacher and their toys mean to them through their poems.

The winners of the competition were as follows.


1st  Position
Kartik Nair
Shravan House
1st  Position
Adwait Shelar
Shravan House
3rd  Position
Akanksha Pardesi
Abhimanyu House

1st  Position
Sadique Mondal
Abhimanyu House
2nd  Position
Shruti Mani
Dhruv House
3rd  Position
Vedant Ghodke
Dhruv House

1st  Position
Shreya Kumar
Ekalavya House
2nd  Position
Shubhangi Manna
Dhruv House
3rd  Position
Suhani Chalmeti
Dhruv House

Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.