Wednesday, August 28, 2013


As the nation countywide, celebrates its 67th Independence Day, the atmosphere at GG International School, had been that of fanfare and gaiety. Patriotic fervour had been seen at its best. The honourable chief guest,
Mr. Balasaheb Madgudkar, a veteran patriot, graced the propitious occasion. As he stepped into the premises, he was escorted by the student prefect body, for flag hoisting near the Gandhi statue.   The spirit of patriotism and gratitude was in the air, as the staff and students proudly saluted the tricolour and sang the National Anthem. After their reverence, the chief guest was escorted to the Assembly area for a cultural panorama.

The programme began with a welcome to the chief guest, who has dedicated his life to enlighten the minds of the youth with his lectures on great nationalists like Jai Prakash Narayan, Vinoba Bhave etc.

An inspiring speech was given by the Director, Mrs Sonu Gupta, wishing everyone a very happy Independence Day! She highlighted the struggle of great men of India, and how India has emerged high above the pitiable conditions of 1947. She mentioned that programmes like ‘Each One Teach One ‘and empowerment have taken the country much higher up the ladder of development. Talking about empowerment, she mentioned the training that each individual here at GG International is getting through the concept of Class Presentations, cleanliness drive and many more such events that mould us into the moral standards in today’s world. On this important day, she gave a clarion call and envisions, ‘Set up targets for yourself and your country!’

An overwhelming, awe-inspiring glimpse of the Freedom Struggle of India and its emergence as an independent nation was the ‘Azaadi Ki Jung’ presented by the students of the secondary section.

Through an array of songs, dances and enactments, the students depicted significant historical events in the lives of illustrious freedom fighters like Mangal Pandey, Lakshmi Bai, Bhagat Singh to name a few.  Gandhiji’s ‘Chowri Chowra incident, Champaran Satyagraha, Dandi march so very justified; Gandhiji’s ideals which the school works towards.

With patriotism, the call of the hour, how could the school band ‘Summer Winds’ stay behind? They swayed to the tunes of Vande  Mantram, as nostalgia filled the air.

As the honourable chief guest addressed the audience, he mentioned about his passion for teaching. He reminisces about his ambition right from school days, of being a teacher. He complimented the teachers and the students for the unprecedented portrayal of freedom struggle on this auspicious day. He encouraged the children to work for the society, for the country. He motivated towards Gandhiji’s ideals of non-violence and peace, which is a powerful weapon against calamities and challenges in life. He inspired the children to develop friendship and forget enmity.

The programme concluded with the vote of thanks and distribution of sweets on this joyful day. An ode of gratitude to all the great men who gave themselves up, to help us enjoy this independence!