Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Patriotism when inculcated in little children in their early years goes a long way in teaching them to love their country and give them a goal of doing something for their country.GGIS believes in inculcating the values taught by our beloved Gandhi in the children.
A patriotic song presentation by the students of K1 and K2 was held on the 8th of August 2013 in the school assembly hall. It did take a lot of efforts by our music teachers-Mrs. Monica and Mr.Ajit to train the children and present a vey exceptional rendering of ‘Saare Jahaan Se Achcha’by the students of K1 and ‘De Di Humme Azaadi ‘by the students of K2.
                                                The rendering was accompanied by the harmonium played by Mrs. Monica and the tabla played by Mr.Ajit.It was indeed a proud moment for the students, who got an opportunity to come up on the stage and sing for their friends. It was a pleasure to see the confidence and enthusiasm of the children and the equally excited audience!
                                                Following the song event, the children were shown a few animated patriotic songs, which the children watched with keen interest.

                                                This event has been a small and sincere effort by the pre primary teachers to teach the little heroes of tomorrow to be proud of their country and contribute to our nation’s  well being!