Tuesday, July 30, 2013

GGIS Prefect Investiture 2013-14

G International School
The Investiture Ceremony of GG International School for the academic session 2013-14 was held with great fanfare in a grand ceremony at the Landge Hall, Bhosari on the 24th of July 2013.
The air was abuzz with excitement as the newly elected student body waited eagerly to be formally sworn in and to receive their badges.
The program began with the ceremonial lighting of the holy lamp along with the Saraswati Vandana. This was followed by the welcome address delivered by Principal Sir through which he welcomed the Chief Guest for the day, Mr. S.B. Mantri who came accompanied by the Director Sonu Gupta Ma’am and the parents who had come to witness the program.

The prefect body marched in smartly to the beats of music and took their positions on the stage; to be sworn in by Vice Principal Mrs. Bharti Bhagwani who administered the oath of office to them.
A speech, on this occasion was delivered by the ex-Head Boy Bharav Gopal and a poetry recitation on leadership, by the ex- Head Girl Vaishali Malik.
The Chief Guest Mr. S.B.Mantri, Director Mrs. Sonu Gupta, Principal Mr. Murad Sarfraz and Vice Principal Mrs. Bharti Bhagwani ascended the stage to badge the Prefect body. The students stood in perfect discipline on the stage displaying the school ethos and values. First to receive the badges were the prefects of the four houses namely- Dhruv, Eklavya, Abhimanyu and Shravan; then the Vice Captains, next the Captains and finally the Head Boy and the Head Girl received the badges at the hands of the dignitaries.

The House Incharges walked in next to hand over the house flags to the house Captains symbolizing the handing over of the responsibilities of the house to them. The newly appointed Head Boy Devansh Manu and Head Girl Ankita Suda addressed the gathering and reiterated their promise of upholding the school’s values, ideals and morals; and do the best possible for the welfare of students.
Speaking on this occasion, the Chief Guest Mr. S.B. Mantri who is an eminent Mechanical engineering graduate associated with multi- national companies like Alfa Laval, Sulzer India, Tata Toyo and Tata Auto Comp and now allied with the Vishwakarma Institutes, Pune as Vice President, the Finance Secretary of the Deccan Gymkhana and also on the Board of Directors of Gyan Ganga Foundation with a vision and love for systems and simplicity, reminded the students that they should LEAD BY EXAMPLE as this would help them in all their future endeavours and that by doing so they would not only be trusted but also respected. He quoted the examples of Mahatma Gandhi and Chatrapati Shivaji who were exemplary leaders; to drive this point across to the students.
The program came to a close with the singing of the School Song and the National Anthem. Parents who came to witness the occasion felt happy and proud to see their wards receive the honour of becoming school representative.

The event marked the commencement of yet another year of training and special privileges to the Prefect Body that would assist the Management in ensuring discipline and system compliance at the highest level!
We wish the Prefect Board the very best in their new journey in GGIS!