Sunday, December 1, 2013


Field trips are an integral part of the curriculum. These trips not only give opportunities for the students
to learn beyond the classroom periphery, but also are more effective teaching aids.

At GGIS, we truly believe in ‘Learning by Seeing!’ Hence, a field trip was organized for the students of
classes Five and Six, on 26 Nov, 2013, to the ‘Lokmat Printing Press’ in Pune. Since the students
have studied about the invention of printing, they were eager and curious to see the process. Students
were taken in three batches to visit the premises. Mr.Rajesh Pudtkwal from the Lokmat Press guided
the young learners through the visit.

The students were taken to the Production Department, where they were shown the CTP(Computer to
plate), the machine that transfers all the news and pictures (in digital format) to be printed, on a metal
printing plate. He also explained how this is then printed on rolls of paper, which are uniformly cut to
the standard size and counted. This is done with the ‘Striker’ machine. Thereafter, the bundling is
done with the ‘Strapper’ machine .

The students found it fascinating to see the entire process on the sophisticated machinery; and realised
the amount of time and effort that goes into printing a single edition. They learnt that, though the
printing is done at night, the newspaper publication of one day, is a complete 24 hour process, right
from Editorial, News collecting, collating into a pdf format on the computers to the printing and

Our students were brimming with questions about the ‘Lokmat’ newspaper and about the output
of the machines. They were informed that the output of each machine is 45,000 copies per hour
and 4 Lakh copies are printed daily. They were also eager to know about the process of colour
coding done during the printing of the newspaper .

It was a great learning experience for everyone. It indeed is an appreciable endeavour on the part
of the school management, to have planned such an educative outing.